by VissiesFynbos | Jun 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Thee River is a perennial tributary of the Olifants River, draining from the Koue Bokkeveld Mountains in the Western Cape, South Africa. It is a freshwater fish conservation priority, as it contains six of the endemic and threatened fish species of the Olifants River.
by VissiesFynbos | Jun 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Clanwilliam sandfish may be headed for extinction faster than any other freshwater fish in the Cederberg district. That’s because of recruitment failure due to rivers drying up during the dry summer months, and predation by non-native fish like Bluegill sunfish.
by VissiesFynbos | May 11, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Breekkrans River, which originates in the Cederberg mountains, is home to five species of Fynbos Fish – including the Critically Endangered Doring River redfin. Four of these are ENDEMIC to the Olifants-Doring River system, and are therefore found nowhere else in the world.
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